4/29/22: After Inpatient Check[-In] There was no point in coming here. There is no point in being here—at inpatient, or otherwise. I will still have no money, haunting trauma, face the eviction, no real full income/job ahead of me, a collapsing cognition in my brain, [and] 4K in unpaid student loans & taxes, [author’s note: there is a gap in the paper here, because I wanted to leave space for all the other problems I could list. The ones already named were all I could think of though] when I get discharged. So this is a waste of time that will not fix the external factors dooming me to an awful life of suffering & torture. I’ll just be in my happy bubble for a bit, and when the bubble pops, I’ll be back to drowning in the depths of this hopeless world. Nobody will help me with that shit, because nobody cares. Just prolonging my inevitable demise. Kill me I can’t hope for a future that won’t exist. I should have ended it so I could stop suffering. Now I will suffer on. What a shitty life.